Beatitudes for Single People

(while browsing very old emails, i've found this particular email by a lady friend who loves being single. Check it out...)

1. Blessed are the singles, for theirs alone is their income.

2. Blessed are those who are detached, they can go where they
please, when they please.

3. Blessed are the non-couples, they shall inherit no one else's
problems but their own.

4. Blessed are the uncommitted, they have no phone calls to wait for.

5. Blessed are those who do not thirst for companionship, they do not
have to share the remote.

6. Blessed are the purely unattached, for they will see what they want
in the shops and go buy it without any thought as to whether their mate
will approve of the purchase. In other words, they can indulge without

7. Blessed are those who are persecuted when Valentine's day rolls in,
they do not need some stupid special day declared to remind them that
they are happy in their present state.

8. Blessed are you when couples walk by arm in arm on a rainy day, you're
not getting wet, they are. (I mean, try squeezing two people
under a small umbrella!)

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