The Beauty of Running

Being fit and trim has always been my goal (and will forever be, hehehe) that is why I joined the club of those people running the pathwalks morning and night.

I just started to regularly run when I registered for Nike City Run last October and from then on I see to it that I run at least 2x a week (well, still striving as I have not been consistent lately, sorry...) I can say I’ve done pretty well as I already have the stamina built-up to run 10KM. A big difference from before where I can hardly breathe after a 2km track. My goal of being fit and trim is on the way, I'm pretty sure. I just need to carefully observe my food intake and diet. It should complement my running program.

I'm also been driven by vanity when it comes to my actual running. With the help of my good friend Joni who has convinced me that running is great, I had my feet analyzed and identified as to what category so that I can buy the right kind of running shoes fit for me. I also bought Nike shirts, running shorts, wrist band, running socks....Yes, its all Nike...another good excuse for my love for shopping (forgive me credit card!)

They say that jogging/running burns 300-450 calories in 30 minutes, better than basketball with 258 calories and swimming with 250 calories. And I'm clinging to these facts. After all, we need to be responsible for our own health. As the saying goes, health is wealth.

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