Over a Platter of Tony Rama's, a Cup of Starbucks and a Spoonful of Positivity

It was Thursday night when I suddenly felt I miss some of my Sg kaberkz. We have not grouped together for a while so I quickly decided to invite them to meet up. Unfortunately they're not available for a very short notice meet-up so I re-scheduled to Friday night. Two out of six confirmed so it's a date for me.

These two beautiful ladies were the least I expected to turn-up due to their busy careers and personal lives so I must be a very lucky guy. After work, I rushed to the MRT to be at our meeting place by 7:30pm. I met one of them and we picked Tony Rama's to feed our hungry stomachs.

From the menu itself, all images and descriptions are mouth-watering. We can't contain our hunger anymore so we quickly placed our orders. Of course, a half-slab of famous baby back ribs basted with Tony Rama's original bbq sauce. We also chose 2 entrees. Mine was baked potato and corn on the cob.

Minutes later, I recognized a waving hand on the restaurant's main glass door. There she was. Another friend of mine arrived and she completed the date triangle. She ordered the same and we started to chat.

At first it was just light and bubbly until we emerged to the topics of depression, rejection, failures and all negativities. It was all ears for me to listen to their stories- lovelife, family, career, self. Hearing from them seemed like it was their first time to pour out all emotional baggage they have inside. They admittedly say that they are not the vocal type to let all know what they've been and are going through. For them, they assess the right group of people, preferrably a few to listen to their stories and hopefully get some pieces of advice.I was touched that I belong to the few that they trusted.

The platters of baby back ribs arrived and we enjoyed every piece of sumptuous ribs served while having a very deep but inspiring conversation. After they shared some of their thoughts on being depressed, fear of failures and rejection, it was my time to share positive thoughts in life, on how I managed to uplift and embrace my life to positivity, being the most positive person among the three of us (I supposed).

I am no perfect individual. I have ups and downs as well but I'm trying my best to learn from my experiences and from the experiences I heard from others. I believe that it is your choice to see things on a brighter side rather than on a darker side. This perspective will then exudes positivity on how you manage life's complexities. And through this, I believe that we need support system- our family and friends, but amongst all, it's God and you.

We finished our dinner and I voluntarily announced that I'll be treating the two of them a Starbucks coffee so we immediately headed our way to the nearest Starbucks place.

The coffee shop was full so we ended up sitting on the extended tables and chairs they arranged outside. Not so comfortable but it's fine. Well, trying to be conscious with their bodies, they ordered a cup of hot peppermint tea while I settled for a grande of Caffe Mocha. We continued our chitchat and I observed that they were beginning to add positive spices as they talk about things in life. We continued to share things about our families, our education and career and of course the never-ending, over-trending lovelife. As what my other bunch of friends say, they commented that I have the Dr. Love character in me, even if I don't have a lovelife myself (well, it's not that nobody likes me...it's just a choice for now..hahaha). We shared the thought that you have to love yourself first before you can give love to others...that in a relationship, it is not at all fun but struggles and sacrifices are there to make you stronger. The important thing is that at the end of the day, you can say that you're genuinely happy. And we concluded that happiness is truly a choice..it has always been my choice,and from then on, it became their choice too.

The clock tick-tack to 12 midnight so we finished our cups and rushed to the MRT. Just when we reached the counter station, the guard said the last train already left. We took the escalator up and queued for a taxi.