How Hard Work Can Help You Get a Promotion at Work

(by M. Barnes,

Be the best that you can be. You don't have to necessarily be better than everyone else in the workplace. You just have to work harder and longer than they do. Hard work is the number one thing that every employer looks for. They want to know that you will continue to do the work even if you've had a bad day and think you need a break. They want to know that if they give you a lot of work that you will do it, no questions, complaints, or trying to pass the work onto another coworker. Hard work is the basis for every goal that the employee hopes to accomplish. It will get you the promotion, for it gives you the chance to prove that you are valuable and that you are willing to take on a little more work if it becomes necessary. The employers want to know that if they get into a bind, you will be there to help them get out of it.

What is hard work exactly? Hard work is going above and beyond to get the assignment done. It is finding something to do when you accomplish one task and have not yet been given another one. Hard work is learning about other areas of the workplace and finding different things that you can do to apply yourself to help out in each area, while still doing the tasks allocated to you. It is also talking to the employer and finding ways to improve and then applying them to the way that you work. You want to tell your employer that even though you may not be the best at what you do, or that you make mistakes, that you will learn new and better ways to apply yourself and learn from the mistakes that you make.

You must be willing to work longer hours without asking for a raise, or demanding that you get credit. They will know that you apply yourself wholeheartedly to the job and that you do everything that you are asked and more. If you do ask for a raise or credit, they will come to the belief that you are not working to better the company. They will believe that you are trying to get more money out of them and they may even forget all of the things that you do for the company. When you do not have any more to do and cannot think of anything else that needs doing, ask the employer for more. A little more work never hurt anyone, and in this case, it will definitely improve your chances of being promoted. Hard work is the necessity of the employer.

If you can do the work that you are assigned plus more, you will be taking some of the load off of your employer, and they will realize this and reward you appropriately. So, whether you are looking for a raise or a management position, or even just a bump in the employment pyramid, apply yourself to the job the best that you are able to do. They give you the hours and you are being paid for them, so just do as much work as you can possibly do during that time and you would be as valuable as gold to them, and you will get the "bump" that you want, maybe more.

Good News, Bad News

Confirmed. Bad news always comes with a good news!

Just last week I realized this. I received the bad news that the owner of our condo unit decided not to renew our contract after the end of the current one expiring on July 2010 because he is selling it. Indeed a bad news for us 'coz we love the place very much. Tailing this news is a good news I received from WSHC that my story entry for Creative Writing Category won as one of the three commendation winners.

Just today, there is a bit of a sad news I received related to work, though not really directly affecting me. I can't put details for confidentiality purposes. But the big good news which Ate and I are constantly praying for almost 3 weeks now is that she passed the MOM examination, so she's back of working again here in OFW again, not anymore a tourist.

God is really good all the time. Actually, the bad news are not really bad  in its real sense because these are just boulders of struggles and challenges to make us a better make us do better things for ourselves and for others.

Rental Scam Alert

Last week, Ate Ging and I learned from our main tenant that the unit we have at Parkview Apartments is already for sale by the owner, thus, he will not anymore renew the contract which will end on July 2010. It's quite sad to know that we will soon leave the place 'coz from the very beginning, I love living there-- a perfect place you can call home with the peace, comfort and convenience it offers.

And so the search is on for a new place, or else we find ourselves on streets..hehehe... The easiest way is to surf the internet because there are a lot of websites for property rentals. One thing I did is to post an ad that I'm looking for a place, preferrably a master's bedroom in a condo unit. There were calls and sms from agents, of course, but what suprised me are 3 different emails from 3 different individuals offering a very nice place at a very affordable price, basd on the photos that they attached and the description they gave. A fully furnished room in a deluxe serviced apartment at the heart of the city for only S$700/month! Too good to be true, isn't it?

But still, I partly assumed it to be true so I exchanged emails from them. They even sent me contract and their passport copy but doubts started when they said that 1 month advance and security deposit should be paid via Western Union as they are not currently in Singapore. I asked for viewing schedule but they said that they already sent photos and that they didn't arrange for any property agents prior to their trip so they will just immediately send the keys after receiving the payment.

This led me to search their names and emails in the Internet and I discovered in an online forum discussing about rental scammers and their names appeared on the list given by some of their victims. Thanks for I found this and confirmed my doubts.

Lesson to share is that for those who are looking for places to rent here in Singapore or wherever you may be, basic requirement is you should be able to view the place and sign the contract and do payment in front of the person dealing with the rental (owner/agent). A big NO for a Wester Union transfer! To make awareness, beware of these names- Tan Tong Nee, Nancy Wink and Gautam.

As for me and Ate, we are hoping that we can find a place as "homy" as the one we have now.

Superman in the Mirror

It was Monday. The morning’s gloomy and cold. I woke up late so I rushed. After alighting from the bus, I walked towards the company gate as fast as I could and went straight to the locker room to wear my uniform and PPE. As I was about to step into the blue line where complete PPE are required, a voice shouted at me.

“Hey, hey. Is your head now as hard as mine like steel? Wear your hard hat. Go back. Get it!”

It was Superman with his loud, intimidating voice that stresses my eardrums.

“Thanks for reminding me.”, I quickly uttered.

Tuesday and Wednesday passed safely. He smiled.

“Good job!”, he expressed.

“I know.”, I replied back with pride.

Thursday came. Meetings here and there. With only 5 minutes left before an important meeting starts where I need to report first, I almost took the shortcut when Superman stepped down and stopped me.

“Hey! Where are you going?”, he asked.

“I’m rushing for another meeting. Please get out of my way. I can’t afford to waste any minute or else I will lose my job.”, I insisted.

“Ha! But you can afford to put your life into risk by taking this route with all forklifts maneuvering. Take the safe walkway!”, he commanded with his finger pointing to the nearest one.

As usual, he is Superman so I followed.

Friday passed. Again it was safe. Again, he smiled.

Saturday. Time to rest. I woke up around 10AM and went to the shop for my groceries. On my way home, I realized I forgot to buy my favorite ice cream. I quickly decided to buy from the gasoline station shop just across the road. I was about to land my first leap to cross when Superman pulled me back.

“What’s wrong with you? You are taking a risk by not using the pedestrian lane. Do you really want to end your life soon?”, he shouted with voice coming down into my nerves.

“What are you talking about? Of course I want to live longer. You are too serious about this.”, I answered back.

“This is a serious matter, man. Safety has always been a serious matter. One quick step in taking risk can end your life. That’s it. No turning back. If you care for your future and your loved ones’, be responsible.”, he advised.

I was speechless. I decided not to buy the ice cream anymore so I walked back home. His words kept echoing back in my ears and in my dreams.

Sunday unfolds. Bright and shiny. I was about to hit the shower when I suddenly looked into the mirror. Superman is smiling. Realization sank into me that safety is a responsibility…that if we care for our future, then we need to be safe at all times…that if we cherish life, then we need to act safely…wherever we are, whatever we do.

Our own superheroes are ourselves.

And Superman is no one else but YOU.

(This story was my entry to Singapore WSHC's Safety Starts with Me Competition 2010-Creative Story Writing Category. I just received a call from the organizer that my entry won as 1 of the 3 Commendation Winners. Yahoo!)

Coffee Cups

(Author Unknown)

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups – porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite. He told the group to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:

“If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups…and then you began eyeing each other’s cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of the Life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee, not the cups…Enjoy your coffee!”

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

You are the miracle, my friend, your life either shines a light – or casts a shadow…it’s your choice.

Not so busy Monday

It's Monday and usually I'm a busy bee...checking my emails..talking to my people on some issues encountered in the plant over the weekend, checking for my calendar for series of meetings usually scheduled on Mondays, etc...

But today is different. It's not so busy. Well, isn't it obvious? I have time to write this blog...hahaha..My emails are few and I have read and replied all. Issues in production settled and now I'm just sitting waiting if new concerns arise for me to settle and solve. All reports and presentations for tomorrow's meetings and sessions are all finished. Some of the reports still need to queue as it needs data for today's production so that would be for tomorrow morning's to dos.

Hmm, now I'm wondering what I need to do next with my time? Maybe brainstorm for another work improvement programs..maybe safety-related projects....let me see....


I have special anticipation for these 3 coming monthends.

End of April, I'll be able to know if I get promoted or not and of course how much bonus will I receive, hehehe... Results for the creative story competition on Safety will also be out where one of the entries is mine.

End of May, results for NUS Graduate Studies admission will be released. I applied for this 'coz I want to go back to school and be a student again, and of course gain further knowledge on my current job.

End of June, outcome on the PR application will most likely be mailed.

Crossing fingers on these 3 monthends. Well, I already have the mindset of accepting whatever results I will receive-- be open-minded is the key.

And I know for a fact that outcomes will be part of God's better plans for me. =)

Well, well, well...

Well, well, well....i just realized that I need to write more often in my blogsite so as to express all that flows in my mind.

After spending for a couple of hours looking for a nice blog template, there you exotic vacation i guess it's time for me to blog all my travels.

I've been so lazy lately...and this needs to stop 'coz I've got lots of stuffs to catch up- be more familiar with my Nikon D90, read the photography magazine that I bought, learn the basics of photoshop and lightroom for post photography production and blog all my travels for highlights and travel tips.

Give me strength and a push, Dear Lord.